Sunday, December 9, 2007

12th, 13th weeks - THE TIME of facilitating abroad


Once from one guy I heard a very typical saying – Erasmus or other experience abroad is THE time of your life. What does ´THE TIME´ mean to me? It means that internship is not holidays:) It is spent not relaxing but rather using and developing yourself, having fun and working to the very limits. And the extreme example of this was at the end of November:)

DISCOVERY1. 30th Nov to 2nd of Dec a national conference in AIESEC Portugal happened.

When I first saw that facilitators’ applications are opened, I immediately related this opportunity with one of my goals for this internship – training experience abroad. And I was selected!! :)

The marathon of challenges and amazing experience started on 27th of November during the pre-meeting and finished on 2nd of December at the late dinner with all facies.

Some glimpses to feel the vividness of life then:
· Getting to know the team and the chair after they had had the team building before :)

· Finding out some common friends (Sami was the president of AIESEC in Egypt on national level, so he knows Ilma, and she also is on internship in Cairo where he lives when he is not in Rotterdam or charing some conferences… and he was in Lithuania some months ago to facilitate EUROCO.. what a small world..:))

· Being the only international faci

· Finding out the sessions I had to lead with other facies: ´Leaders in Action´, ´1 Life, 1 Exchange´, sharing my internship experience in connection time

· Getting the concept and catching up with other facies in the evenings of the pre-meeting (during the day I was working) :)

· Preparing for the sessions during the night and early in the morning :)

· Meeting more than 100 new people from all over Portugal

· Having the most interesting chats with really amazing people

· Enjoying companies´ involvement in the conference - mainly ´developing leaders day´ and ´social´ part · Asking not to put the whole pot of rise for dinner (there was a lot and good food during the conference – that´s Portugal..:))

· Experiencing some logistical misunderstandings (where is that f… room just 15min from the main site?..:))

· Explaining that you can minimize your culture shock to a bacteria size (have I experienced culture shock in Portugal? That´s the question worth Sherlock Holme´s investigation)

· Laughing till death when FBI team (the team for punishments and funny stuff) was on the stage. INVESTIGATE!

· Enjoying prefessional performances of Sami and others... let´s activate randomness!!:)

· Having a really great time - both GIVING and TAKING!! Or better saying - taking by giving:)

CSR discussion. Remember my post about discussion on Poverty. In December my turn came and I decided to lead TALKS! on Corporate Social Responsibility. The short message about the discussion:

´´On 5th December a TALKS! on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was organized with the main objectives- to create a clear understanding about what CSR is,- to discuss what the current reality in companies/organizations (including AIESEC),- and to discuss possible action steps that we can take in our everyday life.The discussion club was pulsing with diversity and exchange spirit as there were participants from Brazil, China, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, who are either ´´experiencing´´ exchange here in Portugal or are going to experience it abroad or in general are passionate about this stage of AIESEC XP:)Not only living diversity but also enjoying participation during the TALKS! people came up with conclusions that AIESEC as an organization is very important in raising CSR ideas and developing people, however, we have to be leaders ´´every day´´ acting socially responsible in the conferences, recycling, giving blood, smoking outdoor, turning off computers for the night, using less plastic bags, keeping the balance between AIESEC and personal life and taking many other steps which are so simple but very important.The final message was ? CSR is a nice concept for companies and it starts from people living it every day.´´
This was and still is THE TIME of my life...


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